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Third Eye Chakra - Sixth Chakra - - Awakening 

Verb: “I see.”

Position: Forehead between the eyes

Colour: Indigo

Responsible for controlling the pituitary gland, producing and releasing hormones 

Symptoms when it is blocked: Lack of clarity, lack of focus, anxiety, depression, lack of creativity, lack of communication

Mantra: “Om”

Element: “Ayakata” - cannot be described because it is without a form.

Week Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday

Fragrance: Lavender

Third Eye Chakra Candle No6

  • Chakra candles produced by Spiritual Guidance Reiki are necessary tools for chakra’s balance. Candles’ power is built by important energetical and spiritual aspects.

    Colour is vibration. Candles’ colour is the same as the chakras’ colour. 

    High therapeutic-grade essential oils were chosen to match chakras’ characteristics.

    Each candle carries a Reiki symbol, Cho Ku Rei, which brings the Universe’s power into the candle.

    Pouring time will bring the energy of the day they were poured into the candle. These have been poured on the fool moon portal. 

    Just as food properties will be improved or reduced by the cooker’s well-being, candle proprieties are determined by the person who makes them. I keep myself at high vibration when doing candles.

    Inside the lid is a number, letting you know for what chakra the candle is designed for.

    The soy wax is ethically sourced and produced by a UK business. 

    Your contribution

    You can add more power to your candle or reduce the power by your actions.

    Chakras are correlated with the days of the week. You light your chakra candles on the matching day. 

    Take some time (10 minutes or so) to relax, listen to meditation music, concentrate on the chakra and chant the chakra’s mantra when lighting the candle.

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